đŸ”ŦSolutions & Technology

Bitcoin Layer1 Data Integration: Wizzard Chain efficiently packages Bitcoin Layer1 data onto Wizzard Chain Layer2, enhancing data storage capabilities and extending smart contract functionalities, supporting more data storage and smart contract extension applications.

High-Performance Applications: High-performance scenarios and complex applications that cannot be achieved on Layer1 can be switched to Layer2 for implementation. Wizzard Chain moves high-demand scenarios and complex applications from Bitcoin Layer1 to Layer2 (Wizzard Chain) to leverage our high-performance capabilities. Thus, Layer2 of Wizzard Chain can realize a series of complex smart contract application scenarios.

EVM Compatibility: Wizzard Chain is fully compatible with EVM, and any DeFi, GameFi, and other EVM-based applications that can run on the Ethereum ecosystem can be seamlessly migrated to Bitcoin Layer2, and users can directly use Wizzard Chain ecological applications in mainstream crypto wallets (such as Metamask, OKx Wallet, etc.).

Bitcoin Native Gas: Transactions on Wizzard Chain use BTC as gas, aligning operation costs directly with the Bitcoin ecosystem, increasing consistency and user familiarity.

Advanced Rollup Technology: Wizzard utilizes Rollup technology to bundle multiple transactions into a batch and verify them as a single transaction on the Bitcoin main network, ensuring the same level of security as the Bitcoin main network and ensuring the validity and availability of data.

On-chain Fraud Proofs: Wizzard utilizes technologies such as Taproot, Bitcoin Script, etc., to verify contracts on-chain without changing Bitcoin network consensus rules, thus completing fraud proof calculations.

Data Availability: Wizzard must publish transaction data on the Bitcoin main network to enable anyone to verify the correctness of computations performed on the Bitcoin main network. Ensure the transparency and verifiability of transaction data on the Bitcoin main network to ensure computational accuracy.

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